Thursday, October 23, 2014

Women and men

The idea that a woman can not defend herself. The idea that woman must bow down to the man. No it is not said yes it is implied. Men must come and pick us up because we are helpless little creatures. When men are to short we must not date them, women must never argue with a man even when he is making her feel terrible or unloved. If she does speak her mind that woman is crazy and is thought to be over emotional. Like it's a bad thing that she notices you looking at other women and she calls you out on it. But you are overreacting, you are looked at like a crazy girlfriend. And when you stop dating so you can be with that other girl you are now the crazy ex girlfriend. And then the competition really starts and the women now fight for the man on an even higher level. A man who thinks he can degrade a woman but still get love at night a man who thinks he can be an asshole in a relationship than expect you to stay forever. And the man!!! Oh the man he feels upset he can't express himself he feels mad he can not act shy but what are the mans dangers? Oh he will be seen as an effeminate and be looked down upon. But will he? Will his friends really say wow johnnie you cry so we will Laugh at you?! No his friends will say we understand we all have had a crazy girlfriend that has dumped us. Women are supposed to use another guy to get over the other guy that "cared" that saw then as an equal. As you notice I have not said I because this isn't about me this is about YOU and how you YOU YOU YOU LET IT HAPPEN you the person that goes back to the same guy YOU who calls that girl a slut or that guy an asshole and insane YOU YOU crazy girl for thinking you are a princess when you are actually a king and there are no subjects because we are the subjects being told we are more and can't break free because of our government that creates  the videos we see and the barbies we play with YOU who think that anything will change while you fuck seven guys and just say "I'm just having fun" like they are play things YOU who thinks that tinder is funny and grinder is fun to mess with guys and girls "because we all came here one thing... To have fun to laugh" YOYOUOYOYOUYOUYOU 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Hello good people.... I will try to update as much as possible. I feel bad not writing more, I need and want it. 
The human is a vessel for the soul and when we are born we are clean and pure. Society has taken us to a new level of patriarchy and hate, by encoding in us a rich sense of condemnation and guilt. The guilt of a female and how she is perceived. The shame and abuse. If you think feminism is stupid I dare you to try to argue with me. It makes up everything we are. Maybe you are alright with big fat white men deciding our lives but I'm not. Who makes those music videos that exploit women?? White men? I could go on but I'm tired and angry. I just hate the way our system is, and the alternative is even hard to imagine. Women and men can desire each other of course it's a part of life but lately it seems like the woman is a silhouette or a shell and just used for the man. She is a shadow and used for many things but still not highly regarded. What is the alternative?? Their is none, but maybe someday