I had this really weird dream worth writing here (about a week ago)
Note: I have very vivid dreams and usually remember at least 2 a night, I can recall small details, and when dreams change. I have had psychic thoughts about dreams… i have astral projected( nothing crazy just down the block)…
I only controlled my dreams once and I did not enjoy it, I like to see where my dreams take me : A control in its own matter:
….. I was dropped off at a train track, they pushed me out. I was very confused and scared. Sirens were going of and I was freaking out. I saw a train coming towards me on the track but also people in military cars coming towards me too. i was faced with a decision to either get on the train maybe die trying. Get captured by cars. i ran and it was scary. Don't remember anything after that
I was in a house and with Chris and a bunch of people from work. My own manager was there and we were having a nice chat. Karisa was there and chris and her went to go outside and get the car ready. My manager made me do something like clean.
After i ran all over the house to try and find chris and marisa I went into the attic and basement and getting more and more scared. When I got to where the people were at my manager told me that chris hd been waiting an hour outside. I was panicked. I ran outside and this longer looking car was there. 3 people were in the front seat, driver I do not recognize. Chris was one passenger, they all yell at me for being late. Karisa is not in my dream anymore. I try to get into the care and they say whoa whoa what are you doing. This car can't fit all of us. We have to go in the bus. We go into this bus that has no seats rather wooden floors. All I see is chris and two LED hoops. Chris stands and plays with these hoops while the bus is moving. The bus is going through space and time and I am not thinking about it at all, no idea where or what we are going to. I look at one hoop and notice that it is only working in a half circle lighting up. i am fixated on this problem and don't understand.
WE get to the place. I don't see chris at all again. I go into this room and there all these forest looking people, It looks like a festival party, I am fascinated with this woodlin girl. she has black hair and has vines in it. Everyone seems very happy and having fun. I see my good friend dylan and we are so happy. Soon everyone gathers around this giant TV like mega TV. we are all sitting at wooden long tables that are high up and high bar stools to sit on. WE were to watch a movie. I have no idea whats on the TV all I see is lines of people and dylan far down the table. the next table over the girl is sitting at. At this moment my dream view pans around and I realize
How hard I am tripping. I am freaking out I start to like inward freak out like holy shit I am tripping right now what is going on. It isn't very scary but It was just like a wave because in my dream I was "conscious" and would have remembered taking something
but nope it was happening. I quickly forgot and went over to the woodlin lady. I sat next to her even though we were supposed to be quiet and watch the TV. She asks me to come with her.
I go with her and we float and she tells me how she can only visit them when it is rainy and tonight is a rainy night. She tells me I will understand. So we fly through fucking space and time to this park and she lays down a blanket and I am like um I'm sorry what. and she says how no one can see us. I look around everything looks sorta gray like old timey and everyone is having picnics around we are at a park. She tells me to relax and I realize in that moment that this wooden fairy is dead and then I go into her view and I see her watching two children from a corner in a house while they sleep. At this point I don't have any recollection of myself being in the dream anymore. The last thing I remember is watching the two children from like her view or off to the side.
AND THEN I WAKE UP because I think I got really scared and woke myself up. Okay so what does this even mean…. All I know is that lady I was fascinated with was definitely dead and did I go to heaven? How did I travel.? and why were some friends on the bus but didn't make it to the "heaven"? How did I realize I was tripping? Does my first dream with the train have anything to do with this dream? Very odd…. one of my most crazy dreams but not uncommon.Is it true you can reach DMT in a dream because this is the only thing I can think of it being? or I have some weird imagination
the choices
the choice to run.
The choice to get on the track of life or be captured by the people most feared
Where could I run, I would surely die
I have no protection I only escaped in my mind, to a place I felt safe
The illusion of safety
The safest place is the mind but how can you know when you barely use it
How can we feel safe in a thing we do not understand at all
Empathy is programmed in you, did you know that? Some people have it more; a lot have it less but it is there
And thats what matters
Thats the thought that counts
It is there.
It was put there, or evolved there or just happened to be there
But proven living breathing programmed empathy
Can you feel me?