Monday, July 14, 2014


I'm eating green peppers. One of my favorite foods.

Last night we joined together and began again. There was only a few of us their. Mostly great friends but a couple of new ones. WE had the best time,,,, stayed up all night. Loved each other…
THIS is what it is all about. It is not about going to a festival of trying to prove you can do this or that. It is about staying up for hours talking about literature poetry science the world music love and people. Its talking about your past no judgement just happiness. Its talking about making a difference but never speaking those words. This is the new generation the next beats the dharma bums… make me a bodhisattva. i think i am becoming it. We need to go out buy a press and start writing, just writing every single thing down. This is the way this is how it should be. Their hasn't been a moment I have been more alive continually happiness. I was in a deep sadness for two days. I put pressure on myself i didn't see the light/. Im grateful this only happens to me a couple of times a year. Everyone falls but that is the way. 

"The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals"

I have never heard anything more beautiful. Except maybe the way you look at me or the way your eyes melt. When did I fall in love? the moment I saw you playing at a coffee shop when I couldn't even look at you because you were so beautiful. I looked at my friend hannah and I could tell she thought I was crazy and I didn't even speak a word. I was speechless. The energy, the energy. 

Enlightenment: is a hard thing to describe. I had to do it once for a project in the spring. I think it is the knowledge that you know everything is perfect. It is exactly perfect. It is a combination of synchronicity, love, and most importantly a devotion to contentment and commitment to grow. 

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